
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 1 - About Mommyness

I always wanted to write a blog, but I never new what to write about. Then one day, on one of the rare occasions where I able to relax in the tub, it dawned on me. Write about what you know about best!

My husband always tells me, “You become what you think about most of the time.” This is mostly in reference to the fact that I think about eating a lot of the time and that I’m addicted to celebrity gossip. But, in all reality, the thing that I think about most is being a Mommy. You see, I’m the Mommy of two small boys, and being a great mommy to them is what consumes the greatest part of my day (and nights) and the greatest part of my mental activity.

So, here I sit, at 8am, in my jammies, my hair in a disheveled ponytail, coffee in hand, the kitchen still a mess from this mornings breakfast, to begin writing about the thing that I am most passionate about…being an Awesome Mommy!

Yup, I dream about being one of those Mom's. The one’s that are all put together, that go to their high powered jobs, manage to run 10km a day, go to yoga class, and that still manage to wear a skimpy bikini and looked ripped after a having a gazillion kids. The one’s that manage to shuttle their kids to soccer, swimming, skiing, hockey, gymnastics, cook a well-balanced, delicious, all organic meal, recycle and compost, and buy only organic, baby friendly, pet friendly, biodegradable, non-toxic, unscented, good for you, good for the planet products. The one’s who have boundless energy and take their kids on crazy adventures, whether it be trucking them on 60km bike rides across the Quebec country side, taking them on a moonlight adventure to see creepy crawlies in Costa Rica’s tropical forest or dancing in the rain on the beaches of Mexico.

You may be saying that this is just a bunch of crazy talk! These supermoms do exist!  But, they are rare specimens indeed.

For me, most days at achieving this ideal are mediocre at best. Today seems to be a dismal failure. Especially considering that it is now 10am and I am still in my jammie’s, the kitchen is still a mess, and to make things worse…my coffee is now cold!

This blog will chronicle the trials and tribulations of your average, ordinary supermom and my daily quest for Mommyness (def. awesome mommy). A wise person once said that “people succeed through their failures.” Indeed, being a mom seems to be learning from all kinds of failures.  Most days are overwhelming, messy, and disorganized. But, it is in this state complete and utter chaos that the most unbelievable and amazing moments happen and the most spectacular discoveries are made. It is in these precious moments that you know you have achieved Mommyness!

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